Staff Directory

School phone is 410-208-1600 and fax is 410-208-4957

Voice Mail extensions are listed
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Pre-K 3Mrs. Curry #129 (Asst.: Mrs. Peisinger)
Pre-K 4 – Mrs. Mizurak #126 (Asst.: Mrs. Hoffman)
KindergartenMrs. MacPherson #165
1st Grade –   Ms . Marsh#168
2nd GradeMrs. Meisten #170
3rd Grade- Mrs. Waegele #227
4th GradeMs. Marshall #226
5th Grade – Mr. Murphy #225
6th GradeMrs. Moshfeghian#203
7th Grade – Mrs. Parsells#209
8th GradeMrs. Selba #212

Classroom AssistantMrs. Wooldridge
Classroom Assistant- Mrs. Penn
Middle School Grade Reading & Language Arts Mrs. Parsells #210
Middle School Math Ms. Tunney #208

Middle School Science Mrs. Moshfeghian #203
7th Grade Social Studies- Mrs. Parsells

8th Grade Social Studies Mrs. Selba #210

Enrichment Teachers

MS Religion/DramaMrs. Selba #212/173
ArtMrs. Gallagher
Library / Media SpecialistMrs. Northam
MusicMrs. Cover #131
PE/Athletic DirectorMr. Haskell #151
SpanishMrs. Aniunas  #223
Extended Day/After CareMrs. Bunting


PrincipalMrs. Marx #106
Admissions & Advancement – Mrs. Gunther #109
Program Manager – Mrs. Bunting #104
Office ManagerMs. Hoge #103
NursesMrs. Simpson #115
CounselorMrs. Gabbard #228
AccountingMr. Wright #108
Maintenance/Custodial – Mr. Al #149

Faculty Credentials

Bachelor’s:  23
Master’s:  10
Doctorate: 1
Certification:  98%